Village Defibrillators
In Naphill & Walter’s Ash we have defibrillators in the following locations:
Naphill Village Hall, outside the side entrance door. This defibrillator is in a locked cabinet, when you dial 999 the ambulance service will give you the code.

Walter’s Ash
RAF 1 Site (the one with the aeroplanes out front). The Guardroom at the main gate has a defibrillator in a non-locked cabinet that you can ask the guard at the gate for access to.

AED in the Guard room at the main entrance to 1 Site, RAF High Wycombe.
Phone 999 and if directed to 1 Site, RAF High Wycombe go to main gate and ask guard for the
AED. You will be asked your name and the guard will give you the AED.
3 Site (off Main Road between Kilnwood and the Co-op). The Guardroom at the main gate has
a defibrillator in a non-locked cabinet that you can ask the guard for access to

AED in the Guard room at the main entrance to 3 Site, RAF High Wycombe.
Phone 999 and if directed to 3 Site, RAF High Wycombe go to main gate and the guardroom is
outside of the controlled area. Go to the window and ask guard for the AED. You will be asked
your name and the guard will give you the AED.
The Sports Hall off Kilnwood has a locked PAD on the outside just like the one at the Village Hall.

AED in cabinet next to the main entrance to the RAF Gym in Kilnwood. Phone 999 and you
will be directed to the Gym, when there the 999 operator will give you the access code for
the cabinet so you can access the AED.
FIRST AND ALWAYS dial 999, identify if the patient is breathing or not and follow their instructions
If the patient is not breathing, commence CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) at once
If there is more than one of you, go for the nearest defibrillator while the others continue with CPR.
The ambulance service will tell you where that is and the code to access it if required.
Send someone fast!
The ambulance service will tell you how to use the defibrillator and it also comes with very
simple instructions to follow.
The defibrillator talks to you, repeating itself until you move to the next instruction.
It will set the rhythm you need to carry out the CPR
It monitors the patient and only delivers a shock if one is needed (it will also warn you first)
Keep going with CPR and the defibrillator until the ambulance arrives.